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With nearly 9500 county tics this year I'm tired, but not done yet. I have planned efforts nearly every weekend for the next two months to bring this on home. I'll make 10,000 at this point and look at pouring on additional items as time allows.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Global Big Day - Lake Louise

Given the early edge of warbler migration and some stalling in the metro area I wanted to go south and get a good bump in migrant activity and see if I could churn out a few parks for the eBird global big day.

It took all I could muster not to stop on the way in Rochester for a random look at a Great-tailed Grackle, but I ultimately kept my path and arrived at Lake Louise by 7:30AM. I had a good feeling as I spotted a Eurasian Collared-Dove just as I was making the final turn and realized the bird was over park land and would be a year add for me.

Ready to start another full day of birding in the State Parks.

I wasn't sure what I was looking at for option and ended up driving towards the horse camp and general campground (still not open for the year) as they seemed to border a river and prairie space with mixed woodlands. As I crossed a bridge I heard the R2-D2 of birds and quickly spotted my first Bobolink of the year for a second year bird without leaving the car.

Driving past a recent prairie burn it was easy to spot a number of sparrows moving about the dirt entrance road and I soon found a campground visitor parking lot that allowed me to get out and look at some hiking options.

A nice looking Savannah Sparrow hanging out just off the river.

As I geared up a Rose-breasted Grosbeak began singing from a nearby tree and then a Baltimore Oriole landed in the tree right above me. Shortly after a Gray Catbird gave a few plaintive calls. I knew I had hit the right direction to start the day as the south already appeared to have a fun contingent of migrant birds in place.

I snagged a trail that moved towards the Upper Iowa River and seemed skirt the prairie at the same time. A few birds moved about and I spotted a couple waterfowl (American Coot & Blue-winged Teal) paddling about in the some flooded backwater areas. Eventually I spotted a few Solitary Sandpiper along with a Spotted Sandpiper for some bonus shorebirds. My original intent was thwarted as I realized the trail crossing from the river was a no go with the high water.

What appears to be a normal path on most days was a bit less than traversable this day.

This accidental rerouting worked in my favor as I rolled with it and followed the trail that eventually took me to a nice open woodland near the western edge of the park and I soon heard what initially sounded like an odd-voiced Red-Bellied Woodpecker, only to find I had stumbled upon a pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers talking back and forth in the woods. This was a great surprise as I had not done any advance research showing they have some history in the park as being present.

My first of year Red-headed Woodpecker at Lake Louise.

As I continued through the wooded area arching back towards the parking area I happened upon a few other year birds with a quiet Blue-headed Vireo as well as a Black-throated Green Warbler moving about the understory. As I finished the hike I took a quick drive and look at the hiking club trail off of Lake Louise and the swim beach, but didn't stay long as the woods were quiet and I was looking forward to getting to more parks on the day. I wrapped up with 58 species on the morning effort and was very happy with what I found.

A view of the damn at the end of Lake Louise.

The Great: The park seemed to provide ample hiking opportunity, though total solitude wasn't always a thing as nearby farms and road traffic was audible a number of times. The hiking variety was very nice though elevation was limited so it won't likely be a strenuous effort most of the time. To be fair though several miles of trail are still left to be explored. A paved trail (Shooting Star State Trail) runs through the park and provides some nice access as well.

The Meh: I can see the swim beach area off of Lake Louise and the spillway area being a big summer draw so it is possible the park won't be the greatest summer birding destination, but in the early spring the park was a dead zone for humans so that was nice.

The Verdict:  I can see coming back in the future for a quick stop and grabbing some additional trail time to snag more park/county tics for a life list. Doesn't really have any amazing views, but not every park needs that to serve a purpose. This is a nice oasis in farm country and having Red-headed Woodpeckers potentially nesting in the park is a huge bonus.

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